Saturday, November 1, 2008


Noah had so much fun yesterday in his dragon costume. His Nana bought it for him about a month ago he kept wanting to wear it so we had to hide it from him. He was so excited to put it on, he kept saying "Wow." He first got to wear it to school in the morning and he was very excited to see that his friend Mia was also a dragon. (This isn't a very good picture of the two of them, but they looked really cute together.)

Later that evening Noah, Josh, my friend Amy (the cow girl for the evening!), and I went to a few houses for Noah to go trick-or-treating. He had a lot of fun getting candy, but also looking at the other kids. One thing that I couldn't believe was the amount of parents who were following their kids trick-or-treating in the car! To save my life, I can't understand why they wouldn't get out and walk with them up to strangers doors. I guess I have just never seen it done before, there must be some reason for it! Noah had a really fun time and he was definitely over supervised as his ratio was 3-1!

1 comment:

Crystal said...

He looks so cute!! Yes, we want to come soon, we're just trying to figure out a time that would work. Any ideas?:)